
Wednesday, March 05, 2008


I seem to have developed a disturbing habit: sleeping with my head under the covers. I carve out a small breathing hole but otherwise my head is completely wrapped up in blankets when I fall asleep. If my head is exposed to the world, I lay awake and feel, well, exposed.

I can't help but wonder how a bed companion (assuming I ever again in this lifetime manage to share my bed with another human being) might interpret this behavior. I wonder how I should interpret this behavior. I wonder if it's just a way I'm coping with the stress of Operation: DBH and it'll go away when the classes end? Or maybe I've just taken one step closer to walking off the deep end.

Either way, about a month ago when Jessie and her fiance Brian came to visit, she joked with me about it. "You were, like, totally burrowed in!" And I had to admit my new sleeping position. Hopefully I won't suffocate myself in my sleep. That would be unfortunate.


shokkou said...

Hmm. You're burrowed in a safe hiding place away from the world and/or you're drowning in responsibilities with only your nose above water? It's like you're experimenting with yourself to see how far you can push yourself before you crack. But what happens if you crack? The entire house of cards lay in ruin. :o)

Kelly said...

Oh the house lay in ruin, my friend. It lay indeed. Lie? Lain? Loo? Lol?
They're coming to take me away, I think is how the saying goes...

Leah said...

I slept like that for years, and sometimes I still try to, but I end up with too little oxygen. I never thought it was abnormal!

Kelly said...

I've been reading a lot online that it's pretty normal behavior--especially where it's freakin' cold and a person's ears/nose might get chilly.