
Sunday, February 24, 2008

How I did:

Gary asked how I did on my list from yesterday. Because I decided to make it a weekend endeavor, I waited until tonight to post the results. Please note that tonight is not done, and I'm still plugging away on a few of the list elements. I think that I did okay--not great--on my projects.

1. clean the house
Result: I cleaned the kitchen and unearthed roughly half of the dining room table.

2. walk the dog
Result: Done. We went for a lovely walk and then Gats got a lovely "undercarriage" bath.

3. study for histology lab test
Result: Failed miserably here. I didn't touch it. 20 point quiz on Wednesday...yikes.

4. finish death/dying project
Result: I did 3/4 of the project. I need to proofread my responses to the essay questions and fill out my funeral planning questionnaire. Maybe I'll save that until I take that damn histology quiz--I'll need a funeral plan for that.

5. take chapter 3-4 accounting test
Result: Done. Scored a 92%.

6. do chapter 5 accounting work
Result: I read the chapter and started on the assignment. I'll be doing more work on this one tonight.

7. grade CPC Poe essays
Result: Didn't touch them. Well, that's a lie: I moved them from my gym bag to my school bag to bring back with me tomorrow.

8. Run 4 miles
Result: Didn't do it. Plain and simple. Are you surprised?

9. do laundry
Result: Still accomplishing this one. It will be done before I go to bed.

10. go grocery shopping for next week
Result: Yep!

11. mail books for bookmooch
Result: Yep!

12. go to school and print histology slides
Result: Decided that tomorrow would be soon enough to print out the slides. God forbid I'd make the trip and then have to actually study for the quiz.

What I did instead:
1. Watched six hours of Big Brother.
2. Had a thai massage and hit up a Yoga class
3. Waited and waited and waited for an email from a friend. Still waiting.
4. Read a few chapters in Eat, Pray, Love
5. Cooked some fabulous jalapeƱo chicken
6. Stood in my kitchen and did the twist while waiting for the chicken

All in all, I'd say I accomplished quite a bit!

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