
Friday, July 31, 2009

If a picture is worth a thousand words...

then I'm one hell of a writer.

I just got home from getting some photographs developed at Walgreens. And by "some photographs", I mean 290 pictures. No, I didn't get married or go on some fancy-schmancy trip. Rather, I just got a bug up my arse tonight to finally go through and make real the virtual history I've been cataloging on my computer in the "my pictures" file.

For example: The only picture I have in "hard copy" of my dog is one that my dad, a professional photographer, took. The dog is three years old.

The 290 pictures include:

Yoga fun night
Pictures of Gatsby the Wonder Dog
My mom's 60th birthday
"Girls' Night" 2006 (yeah, that's the right date.)
Yoga graduation
Superior camping trip 2008

And there are other events too. It's so nice to have pictures to look at, physically, of events as recent as just a few months ago. And, the best part is I got coupons (because I paid someone's salary for the whole night in one fell swoop with my order), so now I can go through and get even more :-)

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