
Friday, April 15, 2011


This week has been just gross. There's no other word for it. It wasn't tragic or bad or scary or anything like that. In fact, some pretty icky things happened to people I know and I can stay that I definitely had a far better week than any of them! BUT, I hated this week from start to finish. I never want to have another week like this one. I would describe it, but I have no idea where to begin. I'm just hopeful that leaving work has now closed this week out and I can begin a weekend that is far, far better than the Grossest Week Ever of 2011.


Rajesh said...


You never know what lies waiting in the next turn :) I will use this phrase "Gross Week" and let you know the reactions, sound very different!

Unknown said...

hola no se si sabras español he descubierto tu blog por casualidad lo de director de funeraria me paraece muy hevy como diriamos por aqui un saludo desde españa madrid