
Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year...and keeping myself accountable

Welcome to 2009! So far, so least from my end of things.

Every year I struggle with resolutions, so this year I'm putting them out there publicly. Feel free to call me on my behavior if I drop the ball on these at any time. In fact, I think a little policing might do me a world of good.

I've broken up my resolutions into two categories: personal and writing. I want (read: desperately need) to get back into a writing routine, so I'm really going to push that this year. But, I'm going to do it differently than I have in the past--no writing classes. This year it's all about actually writing and getting the shit sent out.

Personal resolutions:

1. Do not spend more than I earn

2. Keep house clean

3. Complete yoga teacher training

4. Make a decision about mortuary science (apply this year or next?)

5. Run at least three times a week

6. Run a half-marathon

7. Do yoga five times a week

8. Once a month, fill at least one bag to give to charity or consignment

9. Keep my weight where it is--maximum

Writing resolutions:

1. Send out five submissions a month

2. Write one story a month

3. Journal at least three times a week (in a hard copy--not blogging...though I'll blog like a fiend
in 2009!)

4. Read six books on craft

5. Read 26 books (either fiction or non-fiction...this will lead into Book Plan 2009)

Sounds like a lot, right? But that's okay...I can totally do it.

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