
Friday, August 17, 2012

The one where I buy out the self-help section at Barnes and Noble

Usually by this time of the summer, I'm anxious to get back to work.  Back to the students.  Back to a routine.  My house is spotless, my life is fully organized and ready to be tossed into turmoil once again.

That is not the case this summer. This summer, I'm feeling a little bit right now like I did back in May.  Like I need a big, long, restorative, 3 month hiatus from the universe.  So, I've decided that I need to arm myself against the typical onslaught of drama, chaos, stress and hooliganism (my new word since I read it in a news article this morning) that is the first month of school.

Tonight I scoured the Barnes and Noble self-help section, looking for a little bit of love.  I found the following:


I'm kitten-sittin next week and am going to use the time at my friend's place to take a little vacation on my last week of summer.  The plan is to read through each of these (except the Book of Awakening, which I'll take a bit longer to chew on) and hopefully gain some tools to deal with the work stresses I'm already being faced with before I even walk through the door.  Fingers crossed, peeps.

What do you do to keep your stress under control?

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